Saturday, 16 January 2010


Day one went well.

We rode 130 km. The start was faboulous in front of the pyramides, wao, what a scene. We got escorted by the police from our hotel, they cut the traffic for us all the way to the pyramids with sirens on... Quite impressive. After a few speaches and the group photos, we still had to do a 40 km group ride on the highway before (the race finally started and we could go as fast as wanted. I cycled the second part of the day with Gabriel, a Swiss Italian guy who speaks French. We did a good job at cutting the head wind by trailing each others and we managed a very good average of nearly 30 km per hour. We did climb 900 m today, so it wasn't flat....

As soon as we got out of Cairo the air became clear and it was just sand...
I reached camp site just before 4h00 in the afternoon and building the tent plus getting organised was actually a bigger mission than I thought. I guess that with time, this will improve. No water, (except for drinking, no toilet, just sand here... and a magnificent sky full of stars. It is pretty cold in the evening, but daytime was hot.

Tomorrow is a big day 160 km and we will be camping next to the Red sea which we will follow for 3 days.

Tonight we had spagetti bolognaise for dinner.


Here they are! The 2 trucks that are going to be our best friends for the next 4 months. They will carry our bags, our food our water, our kitchen ...

Inside the trucks, our lockers. Each rider is allocated into one locker which he is allowed up to 40 kg. The organization is very strict about this, and each one of us had to be weighted. Some guys who were over 1 kg had to leave some stuff behind, or make a deal with lighter riders .... I was exactly 40 kg ... after "lending" my travel guides to somebody.

We are all called in one by one to fit our luggage inside our locker allocated.

Each rider Had to be checked and the luggage weighted. Many riders were anxious about the 40 kg limit ...

Sam, who took my travel guides and few other things from other riders is busy trying to fit all this into his locker ...

The thing is, we gonna have to do this twice a day for 120 days, so it better be easy and fast, so many of us are gonna have to let some stuff go if we want this to be a painless process ...

Friday, 15 January 2010


This morning we had a 2 hours crash course on bike maintanance and repais by Chriss, the official tour mecanic. We are suppose to look after our bikes ourselves and Chriss will help for the more serious problems.

We had our first daily briefing about the next day stages. We will start with a 130 km day followed by 160 the next day and so on.... We will be doing over 900 km in 6 days... We will be doing 6 desert camps in a row...which means that our next shower will be in a week and 900 km.
On day one we will climb 900 meters, but is is all on aswalt, so it is not bad.

We also received our number plates and race chips... My race number is 113

Thursday, 14 January 2010


Gerald wants to thank all the Alliance Francaise in Africa, who have donate a bike and many thanks for Ludmila for her extra ordinary work Alliance Francaise in Cape Town to make all these gifts to happen.


We did a 28 Km ride from the hotel to a pyramide close by, a good way to test all equipments, bikes and get used to the Cairo poluted air and crazy traffic.

Here is my bike, carbon frame GT Zaskar, very light and fairly confortable.

View of my handle bars, as you can see, I am equiped with a full HD mini camera, a GPS and a small bike computer. All this technology requires energy and charging, so I have solar panels with me to recharge these high tech equipments.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010


Gerald arrived in Cairo the 12th early in the morning... It took him some time to get to the hotel  at 4 o'clock and then thewhole day yesterday he tried to get internet connection working, nothing seems to work in the hotel and today after visiting the Pyramids he took a taxi for two hours trying to find an internet cafe where the connection works. Then he went 40km out of town to the Carrefour Supermarket and finally got a connected to the internet. So here some of the photos he sent me and few more can be seen on the facebook.

Monday, 11 January 2010


Chers amis et famille,

tout dabord je vous souhaite une merveilleuse année 2010!

Ensuite, je souhaite vous remercier tous pour vos nombreux messages d'encouragement et de support pour le Tour D'Afrique. Un remerciement tout particulier pour tous ceux qui ont contribué aux dons de vélos. Grace à vous, j'ai déja collecté 93 vélos et pense arriver à 100 avant Samedi prochain, le jour du départ. Pour ceux d'entre vous qui souhaitent encore participer, sachez qu'il n'est pas trop tard et qu'il est possible de contribuer jusqu'au jour du départ, le 16 Janvier. Il suffit de me contacter par e-mail.

Je vous rappelle que l'impact de ces vélos que nous allons distribuer à des associations humanitaires au long de notre parcour est énorme. Un simple vélo permet de multiplier par 10 l'efficacité de distribution de soins et médicaments dans les zones reculées.

Je part demain pour le Caire. Le depart officiel aura donc lieu Samedi 16 Janvier au pied des pyramides.Pendant les 4 mois de la course, je vous ferais partager cette aventure à travers mon blog. Jaana mettra le blog à jour et j'y ajouterais des images et des commentaires quasiment tous les jours. Je vous invite à vous abonner au blog par e-mail (en haut à droite du blog). Cela vous permettra de recevoir les mises a jour automatiquement sur votre e-mail. Par contre pour mettre des commentaires, il faut aller sur le blog.

Je sais qu'il y aura des jours heureux et des jours difficiles et je compte donc sur vous pour envoyer des messages de support ainsi que vos questions et commentaires auquels je me ferais une joie de répondre.

Je vous recomande d'ajouter le blog à votre liste de favoris et de vous inscrire a l'abonement e-mail, si ce n'est pas déja fait.

J'ai une camera haute définition attachée a mon guidon et j'éspére donc ainsi ramener des images interrestantes que partagerais volontier avec vous aprés mon voyage. J'ai également un apareil Leica compact (he oui, ca existe) qui me permetra de faire des image de haute qualité pendant le parcours et certaines seront bien sur publiées sur le blog.
Pendant les 120 jours de la course, je serais joignable sur mon telephone portable Sud Africain: +27 83 680 9494
Les telephones portable passent quasiment partout en Afrique, meme en plein brousse, donc n' hésitez pas à m'envoyer des texto d'encouragement sur ce numéro.

Allez, je dois y aller, j'ai encore quelques bagages a terminer!


The bike is in the box, the other box has two wheels

Dear friends,

Firstly I want to wish you happiness, success and good health for 2010.

Secondly, I would like to thank you all for your numerous messages and letters of support for the Tour D’Afrique bike race. A special thanks to all of you who have donated bikes. I have collected money for 93 bikes! Yes 93 and still a few bike coming in, so I might reach a 100…. That is huge and it will have an enormous impact to the communities we are going to help. I remind you that 1 bike can help increasing medicine deliveries to remote areas by 10 folds… So if some of you still wish to join, it is still possible up to next Saturday, just e-mail me and I will give you the instructions.

I am going to depart from home (Andorra) on Monday morning and will be in Cairo Monday night. The depart for this 12 000 km race across 10 countries is Saturday 16 in front of the pyramids. Over the next 4 months, I will be sharing this incredible adventure through my blog. I have a lot of technology with me and should be able to post images and text on almost daily bases. I invite you to subscribe to the blog via email. It is a feature I have added last week. You will receive all new postings automatically delivered to your e-mail. Those of you who subscribed to the blog via the google follower service have to do it to as the google follower does not send anything. (It is a bit stupid, so please send your complains to Google…)
I also realize that there will be good days and tough days, so please feel free to put some words of support and also questions and comments on the blog. For reacting to the postings, you have to do it on the blog, you cannot do it on the posting received via email, so add the blog in your favorites.

The blog;

I have a camera fitted to my bike and should be bringing back some interesting footage which I will happily share with all of you after the trip. I also have a compact Leica camera for still photos which I will be caring while riding and hope to bring back some amazing shots.
During the 120 days of the race, you can also get hold of me via phone or text messages on the following number: +27 83 680 9494
Cell phone coverage in Africa is very good and I will therefore be reachable via this tel number most of the time. Don’t hesitate to send comments and words of support to this cell number.
See you in Africa!